
4 tips for buying a home in a hot market

It’s prime time to buy a house and many people are taking steps to purchase their first. Buying a home is a chance to establish roots and raise a family, or just expand on the necessities and feel comfortable knowing you don’t have to deal with landlords anymore. If you’re


How do you solve a boundary dispute?

If you and a neighbor have a boundary dispute, it can be frustrating and upsetting. On one hand, you want to make sure you can protect the land that you’ve purchased. On the other, you know that you have to continue to live near the other person, so you may


What Happens To A Family Business In Divorce?

Whether you decided to file for divorce or got served when your spouse filed, it is natural to feel protective about your biggest assets when you consider the end of your marriage. As a Pennsylvania professional who has run a business with your family, the company that you own and


Prenuptial agreements can protect spouses against debt

Before you get married, it’s important to talk to your spouse about your financial situations. If you haven’t have a big discussion about money and finances, then you may want to start putting together a prenuptial agreement and take the time to disclose all of your assets and debts, so


How do you close a business?

There may come a time when you’re interested in closing your business. Maybe you’re moving on to a new venture, maybe you took a job with another company or perhaps you’re just shutting it down because you want to retire. Regardless of the reason, it’s very important to do this


What if an employee leaves and takes business with them?

Your employees should help you build your business, not undermine or destroy it. When you add to your staff, you want to improve your company, not damage it. Unfortunately, workers can potentially cause a lot of damage to your company. A new hire could provide you with subpar work that


What should be in a parenting plan?

Your parenting plan is the document that defines your rights and your obligations both to your children and to the other parent in your family. Trying to create a comprehensive parenting plan can seem intimidating at first. You may worry about what you need to include and how you will


How to remove a lien from a property

For many homeowners in Pennsylvania, their house is the biggest asset they will own in their entire lives. People spend a significant portion of income and time investing in their homes for their own comfort and future economic benefits when they sell the property. Unfortunately, those trying to sell a


Do you need a lawyer to buy a house?

Deciding to buy a home is one of the biggest decisions that you will ever have to make, and it could make or break your financial future. When done wisely, purchasing a home can be a great investment that you will thank yourself for in years to come. If you


Protect your business with these essential contracts

When you run a business, something you should get familiar with is using contracts. Contracts come in many forms, so it’s smart to learn about the different styles and how they may help your company protect itself against liability and against changes that impact your business. There are several kinds